ITPC-MENA: We are hiring an “Access to Medicines Advocacy Officer”


ITPC-MENA is seeking an Access to Medicines Advocacy Officer who will manage the development and implementation of ITPC-MENA’s project Use of Trips Flexibilities to Increase Affordability of HIV, HCV and TB Treatment in Middle-income Countries under the supervision of the Advocacy and Research Lead to achieve the organization’s mission. The assistants main roles will be to :

  • Assist the Advocacy Lead to develop and implement ITPC-MENA advocacy strategy
  • Support the implementation of the Use of Trips Flexibilities to Increase Affordability of HIV, HCV and TB Treatment in Middle-income Countries project activities at the national and international level


• Coordinate advocacy meetings, roundtables with decision-makers

and/or stakeholders in public health and HIV/HCV programming;

• Coordinate ITPC-MENA national and regional advocacy coalitions,

joint engagement and events;

• Support national and regional partners to develop and implement

advocacy initiatives for improved access to treatment

• Engage with media;

• Prepare advocacy, promotion and other related materials;

• Develop and strengthen relations with ITPC-MENA’s national and regional partners.

• Prepare reports, analytical papers and briefing notes;

• Participate in preparation of donor reports;

• Use advocacy activities to strengthen strategic partnerships;

• Participate in the development and implementation of relevant research;

• Performs other relevant duties, as required.


• Undergraduate or graduate degree in Political Science and

International Relations, public health or related field experience.

• Experience with civil society activities, advocacy, public health, human rights;

• Demonstrated effectiveness in developing and implementing advocacy plans and actions;

• Good understanding of issues related to health and intellectuel property and access to medicines;

• Experience with media outreach and communications;

• Knowledge of policies on HIV, STI, sexual health, human rights, and other relevant policies in MENA countries and in UN organizations;

• Excellent written and oral French, English and Arabic language communication skills

• Proficiency in the use of databases and Microsoft Office


• Must be flexible with work time and scheduling

• Must be able to travel 40% of total work time

• Must be able to represent ITPC-MENA in national, regional and international arenas

• Commitment to ITPC-MENA’s mission and to the health and human rights of all people infected and affected by HIV and/or HCV, TB is essential.


The position is located at ITPC-MENA office in Marrakesh, Morocco but non-Moroccan citizens are encouraged to apply. ITPC-MENA will provide a nationally competitive salary package.

Send resume with cover letter :

Reference “ Access to Medicines Advocacy Officer – First Name Last Name” in the subject line.

Deadline December 15th, 2018


ITPC-MENA is a regional non-governmental organization operating in the Middle East and North Africa region bringing together a network of community activists united by our vision of a longer, healthier, more productive life for people living with HIV and/or HCV. ITPC- MENA’s mission is to enable communities in need, to access HIV, HCV and TB treatment. ITPC-MENA was formed in 2010 as a project of Association de Lutte Contre le Sida (ALCS) and has been officially registered as an independent organization in 2015.