The Empowering Activists Program is a training initiative aimed at empowering and empowering activists in the MENA region to take action for better health.

The aim is to help activists to:

Acquire the technical knowledge and leadership skills they need to be part of the family of activists fighting for better access to health.
• Build links and relationships with stakeholders, influencers at local, national, regional and global levels to bring about change.
• Overcome geographic barriers – based on populations – and increase dialogue on social justice through peer learning exchanges.
• Analyze environmental and structural barriers related to health and justice and design advocacy strategies to achieve the necessary changes for the better.
• Appropriate a greater role in activism in their local contexts.

How does this program work:

The empowerment program includes a series of learning exchanges and ongoing support.
The program provides educational advocacy training, a leadership opportunity, and hands-on networking.

During the program, participants are called upon to:

• Acquire technical knowledge and leadership skills through e-learning exchanges;
• Connect with global-regional influencers and access key information;
• Access the most recent and up-to-date information on the most pressing issues in accessing HIV treatment;
• Benefit from potential opportunities and collaborations with ITPC-MENA and its partners.

Once selected, participants are also part of the ITPC-MENA activist network.

Application to join the program:

Activists interested in joining the program should apply. Participants are then selected through a competitive application process.

To join, activists must:

have a good command of one of the following languages ​​(Ar, Fr, and English);

Must meet at least two of the following qualification criteria:

• One year of experience in the field of HIV or social justice activism in a national network or community organization (for example, a national network of PLHIV)
• Recommended by country CCM member, UNAIDS country office, ITPC-MENA partners.

If you meet the above qualification criteria, you are welcome to apply to join the program.

We welcome activists of all ages and from all countries in the MENA region. We encourage activists who live with HIV and / or identify as part of marginalized communities or key populations to apply.

PLEASE NOTE: This is a rigorous, time-consuming, and professional program. We expect a lot from our participants and we hold them accountable for their participation. Think carefully before you apply. Selected applicants should consider this opportunity as a professional foundation. Applicants must be motivated, dedicated, open-minded, and action-oriented. Does that describe you? If so, we encourage you to apply.

What is the benefit of the activist strengthening program?

As a regional network of activists, ITPC-MENA knows how important it is to continue to invest in the energy, skills and informed action of people living with HIV and community advocates working together to equity in medicines and health.

There are so many activists who need additional support to strengthen the work they are doing in their communities. The program is there to provide that support so activists can do more of what they come across.

Knowledge is power, and power gives you autonomy, and autonomy gives you a voice, and that voice will ultimately have an impact.

Knowledge = power = autonomy = voice = impact

If I have further questions about the program, who can I contact?

Do not hesitate to contact our program coordinator Zakaria BAHTOUT at (

We invite you to contact us to learn more about this exciting opportunity.


Application deadline: September 12th, 2022
Send your applications to the following address: in copy, Ms. Samia MAHMOUDI