MENA H Coalition: Call for Expression of Interest (EOI) for the Provision of Principal Recipient services
A new US$ 7.5 million programme to strengthen sustainable access to HIV prevention, treatment, and care for marginalised groups in the Middle East and North Africa has been approved by the board of the Global Fund to Fight AIDS, Tuberculosis and Malaria.
The International HIV/AIDS Alliance (Frontline Aid) is the actual Principal Recipient for this program, working with the Applicant, the MENA Coalition on HIV and Human Rights (MENA H Coalition), and in collaboration with civil society and community partners in Egypt, Jordan, Lebanon, Morocco, and Tunisia.
Through the programme, partners will work to reduce barriers that marginalised groups, such as lesbian, gay, bisexual, transsexual and intersex people; men who have sex with men; people who use drugs; and sex workers, and other people living with HIV face when trying to access services.
The programme aims to promote innovative partnerships between government, civil society, the private sector and other actors to provide quality, accessible and sustainable services to marginalised populations. It will also support civil society organisations and networks to secure legal status, strengthen their capacity to deliver innovative interventions, advocate for increased domestic funding for HIV, and integrate HIV into broader health and gender-related programmes.
By strengthening civil society and advocating for quality services, access to medicine, and universal health care for marginalised populations at higher risk of HIV and vulnerable to discrimination and exclusion, the programme will help to ensure that the countries can sustain their HIV responses in the long term. This is particularly important for countries in the region preparing to transition from Global Fund support.
Over the 2022-2024 period, the Global Fund is aiming to invest USD 7.5 million to support the health and human rights of key populations across the Middle East and North Africa (MENA) region. This support comes as a continuation of the current regional grant through December 2021. For the current grant, Frontline AIDS was nominated by the MENA-H Coalition, the applicant, in consultation with the Global Fund, to function as the Principal Recipient (PR).
As the implementation period of the current grant comes to an end, there is a need to identify a suitable entity by the start of the next grant in order to ensure a smooth and formal transition during the 2022-2024 allocation period.
Check the TOR for the new PR :
Application Form :