Calls for proposals: Strengthening high-quality health systems accessible for all
The 7% Initiative launches two calls for proposals under the theme, “Strengthening high-quality health systems accessible for all”. This theme seeks to provide an integrated approach to addressing the three pandemics through national strategic action and multi-sectoral engagement, particularly in complementary to the Global Fund programmes in the countries.
Organizations based in Afghanistan, Djibouti, Egypt, Lebanon, Morocco, Mauritania, Palestinian Territories and Tunisia are eligible to apply.
- Access to healthcare for vulnerable populations (AP-7PC-2018-02)
This will support projects that complement GF grants aimed at improving access for the most vulnerable populations to high-quality healthcare, based on strategies that are appropriate and integrated into local communities (either new/innovative or proven successful). Access to healthcare is defined as access to information, prevention and treatment.
DownlDownload the call for Proposal here
- Health Systems Strengthening at All Levels (local community to national) (AP-7PC-2018-01)
This will support projects that will complement GF grants aimed at contributing to the building of resilient and sustainable systems for health at all levels (from local community to national) by: (a) fostering constant and sustainable access for populations to high-quality health products; and/or (b) supporting health workforce capacity building or strengthening at all levels; and/or (c) facilitating access to quality data and use of quality data in the framework of health information systems; and/or (d) ensuring the promotion and strengthening of community action and community involvement in national decision-making process.
Download the call for Proposal here