Call for participation in a survey on Key Populations and Communities Needs Assessment 2018
Since 2015, ITPC-MENA has hosted the Global Fund’s “Regional Platform for Communication and Coordination for the Middle East and North Africa,” or “the Platform.” The purpose of the Platform is to promote greater access to Global Fund-related information, news, and technical assistance for civil society organizations, communities, and networks throughout the MENA region. There are five other such platforms operating in other regions, but this one is for you!
This survey is being conducted by International Treatment Preparedness Coalition—MENA (ITPC-MENA). We are a civil society organization based in Morocco which aims to strengthen access to HIV, TB, and malaria prevention, treatment, and care throughout the MENA region. We also advocate for greater respect for human rights and greater community engagement in national, regional, and global processes related to HIV, TB, and malaria.
In order to best serve you and other civil society organizations in the MENA region, we are conducting this survey. The purpose is to gather information about what kind of work your organization does, where you could use support, and what types of technical assistance would be most beneficial for your organization, all within a Global Fund context. We will use the data collected through this survey to inform our program of work, and to understand what you and others need, so that we can be proactive in helping to connect you with the best technical assistance, provide the most relevant information, and facilitate meetings and other collective experiences which will help you be effectively engaged with Global Fund processes in your country, at the regional level, and beyond.
While it is most useful to have your personal information, such as name and organization, if you prefer to withhold identifying information, that is permissible. Your information will not be shared with other organizations without your consent.
Participation in this survey is voluntary and does not come with any material reward. However, those who participate will be the first people considered to attend the Platform’s annual meeting, to be held later this year.
Thank you for your time. If you have any questions before, during, or after you complete the survey, please contact Yahia Zaidi, the Platform Manager, at yahia.zaidi@itpcmena.org.
Please allow up to 20 minutes to complete the survey.