Initiative 5%: Call for proposal on operational research “ Improvement in tuberculosis screening, treatment and prevention”
Source: Initiative 5% website
The 5% Initiative is the second mechanism for France’s contribution to the Global Fund to Fight AIDS, Tuberculosis and Malaria (GF). The operational implementation of this Initiative has been entrusted to Expertise France ( the French Agency for International Technical Expertise) under the supervision of the
Ministry for Europe and Foreign Affairs (MEAE). Its aim is to respond to requests for high-level technical expertise from countries, especially French-speaking countries, and beneficiaries of GF grants to assist them and build their capacities for the design, implementation, monitoring-evaluation and measurement of the
impact of the grants allocated by the GF. The 5% Initiative is implemented in complementarity with GF programmes and aims to enhance their efficiency and
health impact via two means of intervention: sending technical expertise at the request of countries, financing long-term projects which aim to strengthen the
impact of the Global Fund’s actions.
In 2018, the 5% Initiative is launching a Call for Projects which aims to finance specific operational research projects to support Global Fund programmes. It will be implemented every year starting in 2018.
ERRATUM : On 06 August 2018, the 5% Initiative published a new call for proposals focusing specifically on Operational Research.
here the modalities for the submission of proposals : https://www.initiative5pour100.fr/wp-content/uploads/2018/08/TDR_I5PC_2018-07_v3_31072018_VA-erratum.pdf
Deadline for submission is Friday, October 26, 2018 at 12:00 (UTC + 1).
You will find the complete files of calls for projects on Initiative 5% website: https://www.initiative5pour100.fr/en/partnerships-and-expertise/calls-for-proposals/