Information on the APPLICATION PROCESS to be a member of the Middle East and North Africa Community Advisory Board (MENACAB) steering committee —
Application submission opening: 25th September 2021
Application submission deadline: 7th October 2021
Notifications of successful applications:12th October 2021
What is the MENACAB?
The MENACAB is a treatment advocate network which main aim is to improve access to strategic information for people living with HIV, Hepatitis B, hepatitis C and tuberculosis to equip them for effective advocacy for Universal Access at country and the regional level. In addition, one of the goals of the MENACAB is to develop and strengthen the network of treatment advocates and to provide expert training on current treatment issues and opportunities to meet with doctors, researchers, pharmaceutical companies and public health institutions, and any relevant body dealing with access issues.
It also aims to provide expert training on current treatment issues and opportunities to meet with doctors, researchers, pharmaceutical companies and public health institutions, and any relevant body dealing with access issues.
The MENACAB is a working network and not a legal entity. MENACAB is directed by a Steering Committee drawn from its members, and a secretariat represented by TPC-MENA.
Steering Committee:
Being a member of the steering committee gives you the opportunity to coordinate the program and CAB development, to provide expert input and make directional decisions.
It allows being part of organizing a forum that provides peer-driven HIV, HBV, HCV and tuberculosis advocacy treatments strategy capacity building for other leading advocates from Middle East and North Africa, in addition to effectively engage with companies on HIV, HBV, HCV and TB diagnostics and treatment pricing, patents, and registration issues.
The main Steering Committee functions are:
- Decide the work plan, in consultation with members and secretariat.
- Agrees the program for MENACAB meetings.
- Approves members in consultation with the Secretariat.
- Seek funds, in consultation with the secretariat.
- Develop the administrative and governance procedures for the CAB, in consultation with the secretariat and membership.
- Select two co-chairs for MENACAB from among its members.
Steering Committee composition:
The Steering committee comprises 5 to 7 members and observers.
The composition of Steering Committee is as follows:
- 1 seat of member is reserved for a representative of ITPC-MENA
- 3-5 seats of members are selected by members of the MENACAB.
- Seats for observers:
The steering committee can decide if observers can take part to the steering committee meetings and MENACAB meetings.
- 1 seat of a member of ITPC-MENA as representative of the CAB secretariat
- 2 seats for technical experts as advisers to the CAB
Steering Committee functioning
- The Steering Committee members seek consensus in the decision process. If consensus cannot be reached, a vote is necessary and the majority of the votes of the members will be required to approve a decision.
- The co-chairs, together with the Secretariat, propose to bring together the Steering Committee members for a meeting, when necessary. Steering Committee meetings will mostly take place on the phone or online platforms. Physical meetings of the Steering Committee might be organized from time to time depending on the budget available and if needed.
- The Secretariat will carry out the technical organization of the meetings of the Steering Committee upon the request of the Co-Chairs, and send the minutes of these meetings after they took place.
Steering Committee serving terms:
Elected Steering Committee members serve a term of 3 years. Every three years, at least one third of the Steering committee group should be renewed.
No more than 2 consecutive terms may be served.
The Steering Committee is expected to implement a rotation system that allows to appoint two members each session, each seat for a term of office of three years.
The two Co-Chairs serve a term of 3 years. No more than 2 consecutive terms may be served.
The ITPC-MENA representative is permanent, and ITPC-MENA reserves the right to change him/her.
Steering Committee members will be annually asked to fill out a personal evaluation form to assess their own input into the MENACAB discourse. The evaluation would allow transparency among steering committee members and provide insight on self-development and on the development on the MENACAB.
Resignation and removal from Steering Committee
Steering Committee members may resign by informing the Co-Chairs and the secretariat. The Co-Chairs may resign by informing the rest of the Steering Committee and the secretariat.
Steering committee members who do not perform their role as expected may be removed from the Steering Committee by agreement of the majority of Steering Committee members.
Steering Committee selection process
The Steering committee members are selected based on their experience and expertise.
The CAB members are invited to deposit their application to become member of the steering committee. These applications are processed by a selection committee representative of the MENA region. All members will be alerted to the deadline for offering themselves as a candidate and dates for voting.
Application submission process:
To apply, please send a cover letter sharing your experience with CABs and your interest in being part of the new steering committee of the MENACAB.
Also, please provide the name, title, and e-mail address of two people who are willing to act as your reference.
Submit to : Marwa.elharrar@itpcmena.org and alim.elgaddari@itpcmena.org