Call for applications: Participation in the MENA Regional Workshop in Cairo-Egypt from 24 to 26 May 2022
In the MENA region, there have been significant changes in the management of Global Fund grants such as recent portfolio allocations and CCM elections. In addition, many countries in the MENA region are currently or will soon be facing a complete transition from eligibility for Global Fund grants.
Transition is a critical step in the fight against HIV/AIDS. It is a mechanism by which a country moves towards full funding and implementation of its health programs independent of donor support. Ideally, this transition to domestic dependency occurs while continuing to sustain gains and improve service coverage and quality as needed.
The MENA regional platform, in partnership with AL Shehab in Egypt, is organizing a regional workshop to highlight community engagement activities and conduct contextual assessments and design appropriate strategies for appropriate prevention measures. and pandemic control.
The deadline for submission is April 10.
For more information please check the TDR for applications (Ar, Fr & English versions) :