Below are ways you can get involved in advocacy for access to HIV treatment
Stay informed
ITPC-MENA has an email distribution list that provides a vibrant space for treatment activists to share HIV and Hepatitis C treatment information, break news, discuss issues, advertise job opportunities and more. To join, please send an email to: You can also get ITPC-MENA news by visiting our website
Online trainings
Online trainings
ITPC-MENA offers online trainings and webinars on treatment issues in order to educate the next generation of activists. For more information please visit our website
Connect with a regional partner
ITPC-MENA and its partners are engaged in a variety of exciting national and regional initiatives and campaigns. If you’re based in the MENA region, and want to know how you can get involved today please contact us at
South-to-South exchanges
ITPC-MENA supports internship placements that seek to seed cross-country collaboration and allow organizations to learn from each other. Our latest South-to-South exchange was between ARASA and the ITPC Regional Networks.
Featured campaign
ITPC-MENA often runs campaigns with simple actions for you to take.